Go HALAL adopt high standards to approve listing in our platform, it is our responsibility to ensure that food ordered via our platform is 100% HALAL compliant through all stages from A to Z.

  1. Sourcing: All ingridients used for HALAL food must be derived from HALAL sources.
  2. Storage: Storaging HALAL products should be seperated from other non-HALAL.
  3. Preparation & Cooking: During this stage highest standards must be taken to ensure all equipments and oil used from non-HALAL should not be used from HALAL.
  4. Serving: During this stage HALAL food should not be served with other non-HALAL as a part of the same served meal.
  5. Delivery: Last stage where delivery bag especially from hot food, or even delivery man should be always aware about HALAL delivery procedure.

In each of the above stages we require certain rules and guidlines to be met from our partners/vendors.

Our rules & guidlines for HALAL are compatible with standards adopted by the Islamic Chamber of Commerce & Industry ICCIA.

Also, theses rules are adopted by all organizations certifiying HALAL food around world.